And Joshua said to all the people, See now, this stone is to be a witness against us; for all the words of the Lord have been said to us in its hearing: so it will be a witness against you if you are false to the Lord your God. 約 書 亞 對 百 姓 說 、 看 哪 、 這 石 頭 可 以 向 我 們 作 見 證 . 因 為 是 聽 見 了 耶 和 華 所 吩 咐 我 們 的 一 切 話 、 倘 或 你 們 背 棄 你 們 的 神 、 這 石 頭 就 可 以 向 你 們 作 見 證 。Joshua
We love him, because he first loved us. 我 們 愛 、 因 為 神 先 愛 我 們 。 1 John 4:19
To him that is afflicted pity should be shewed from his friend; but he forsaketh the fear of the Almighty. 那 將 要 灰 心 、 離 棄 全 能 者 、 不 敬 畏 神 的 人 、 他 的 朋 友 、 當 以 慈 愛 待 他 。 Job 6:14
(As it is said in the holy Writings, I have made you a father of a number of nations) before him in whom he had faith, that is, God, who gives life to the dead, and to whom the things which are not are as if they were. 亞 伯 拉 罕 所 信 的 、 是 那 叫 死 人 復 活 使 無 變 為 有 的 神 、 他 在 主 面 前 作 我 們 世 人 的 父 . 如 經 上 所 記 、 『 我 已 經 立 你 作 多 國 的 父 。 』 Romans 4:17
你碧綠的眼瞳像一汪湖水,湖水中倒映著千山百岳,我停留在你如山羊群的髮邊,你石榴般甜美的香氣輕輕飄散在空氣中,髮上簪著粉嫩新採的玫瑰,王的心因這下垂的髮縋繫住了,我的佳偶,你全然美麗,毫無瑕疵,我所愛的,你何其美好,何其可悅,使人歡暢喜樂,我的鴿子,我的完全人,只有這一個,王后妃嬪見了也讚美她,那向外觀看如晨光發現,美麗如月亮,皎潔如日頭,威武如展開旌旗軍隊的是誰呢? 一時天雷勾動地火,條條的火線從遠處飛快點燃,頃刻間我們一起在烈火赤燄中,照你當日所承諾應許的,神的約,我的心將我安置在我尊長的車輦中,我們快馬奔馳一同離開黎巴嫩,回來,回來,書拉密女,使我們得觀看你,從今以後你們不得再見我,直等到你們說,奉主名來的是應當稱頌的。
If only I can love you less, Jesus, things will get a lot of easier.
But I can't, if I perish, I perish. I am all in your hands.
I was born from above, this is what I know.
Although I tell them the truth, but they wouldn't believe.
Oh, Lord, hear me, hear my prayer. Let your will be done. May your kingdom come.
This is what you want me to live for. If not, I will just go back to your throne right now.
I'd rather to be with you in the heaven than this world. You know that.
I don't belong to this world, I was sent from above.
I said what I know, and they said what they learned.
Father, save me from all the people here, the dream I had from my childhood.Don't make it come true.
That's only you yourself, you have that kind of love to die on the cross.
Who am I? You love me so much to live for you. I was chosen by thy own hand.
If I can only love you less, but we all both know, I can't.
However, one day, one day in the heaven I know I will have a new resurrection body, and be with you always.
Just like we were at the begining of the world. The memory of the time seems never goes by.
I miss you so much, Jesus, my love.
Kiss you good night! Holy spirit!
Thank you for the wings that you gave me.
Let the fire burn if you like.
I am yours and you are mine forevermore.
This just a never turning back road. I will die for you if you command.
I will follow you no matter what.
神的心,神的心,如同一片汪洋,看不見邊界,深不見底,我要縱身跳入,彷彿回到伊甸園中的孩子,不知世間險惡,不明勝負輸贏,只是一個單純赤心的孩子,惝徉在父神的愛裡,創世紀第一章第一節,起初神創造天地,地是空虛混沌,淵面黑暗,神的靈運行在水面上,聖靈和天使都是自由甜美可愛光明創新的,那輕盈的自然容易往上飄,那沉重屬地的自然容易往下沉,我是屬天國的,不屬於這個世界,再沉重的手也拉不住我,因為是父神的翅膀領我向上昇,向光明之處飛昇,噓! 不要告訴他們,這是我跟神的秘密花園,我跟他們說過了,他們不喜歡也不明白,跟神的使者去,穿過光的隧道,到神的寶座面前,在那裡有千千萬萬的天使,我們在神的面光中歡樂,在神的面光中歌唱,我是明亮的晨星,有數不清的晨星在那裡,噓! 不要叫醒我所親愛的,直等她自己情願 。
- Jun 18 Mon 2012 06:56