

早上醒來的時候,耳邊響著,一個人要交五舍克勒銀子,大家都要交。。。原來如此ㄚ,我今天真的交了一個人五舍克勒,一共五個,神好棒ㄚ! 好高興! 還看到前一台車貼著標語" I am spoiled." 真的耶! 神啊!不要寵壞我吧!
主啊! 我真是在你臉上的光裡行走,你復興以色列國就在這個時候嗎?

下雨了下雨了下雨了! ^0^ ^0^ ^0^ ^_^
感謝神! 新年新希望!
Remember, you are not kids any more. Whenever you start a fight, make up you mind to win it.

在聽葉光明牧師說危險的日子近了的講座,說聖靈舉旗在哪裡,他就要到哪裡,超越一切神學觀點一切宗派,只要神把旗舉在哪裡,他就要去,神一舉旗,所有的軍隊就知道進攻的時候到了,首領叫舉旗,所有的作戰士兵就要奮勇向前,他說他本來沒有要講這一段的,但是有人需要聽,感謝神! 神垂聽我們每一個禱告!

Ultimate Bar Mitzvah Film

Prophecy 2008.12.01.01(given to Alan Zhang)

Prepare for the Revival, My children!
It is for a time such as this you are born!
Cling to your Hope, for just a little while, it will come!
Your sacrifice and patience are not in vain, I will answer your cries!

Every little tear of you I treasure
Every disappointment I rebuild after
Show the world that you know what is Faith, and your reward will come!

I see many of My people languishing in the wilderness, dying by the wayside
Do something about this, My children!
Don't let die but revive them, give them Hope to live on
Yes, I desire none perishes but everyone saved!

The day will come when My Spirit will be poured down among My people
It's now very near to this time
Gather my sheep and feed them and teach them My way for this day
You are still standing because of My grace
Now pass on this Grace to others

You are small no more, and you have a heart for my Kingdom, for this I am pleased
But don't rest!
Keep walking in Faith
Keep loving
Keep giving
Keep building
Keep doing everything that I have asked you to do

So that I can increase your anointing
Your blessings
Your portion
Your rewards
Your lights
Your everything!

My heart desires to see unity among My people
Change in a land involves all My churches
Don't give up the hope, My churches can and will unite as one!
Prepare your heart first, and I will show you how!

Show others the Lights in you, and they will be attracted
It's not a single church's business
It's My business
I am the One who brings about the Unity
So humble yourself once more, seek and I will show you the Way
Learn to let by gone be by gone
All things are possible in My time

Thus I recommission you to redouble your efforts
A new undertaking in 2009 and onwards
Be My cheerful helpers, and you will be rewarded and taste the Fruits of your work

This I say to every one of My children:
I am your loving Father, and you are my dear sons and daughters.
You are always in My sight
Your life in MY hand


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    Favor Ke


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